Laundry on the Line / 100741


Laundry on the Line / 100741

  • $124.00

This image is available as a template and when used with XMPie uImage software, can create an unlimited number of personalized images.

Personalization details: Name written on drying shirts

Adobe: Adobe CC 2014
XMPie: uDirect 7.2.1 and up, PE 7.2.1 and up

Template File: Photoshop

High-Res: 3750 x 2500 pixels, 12.5" x 8.3", 31.8cm x 21.2cm @ 300 dpi
Low-Res: 800 x 533 pixels, 11.1" x 7.4", 28.2cm x 18.8cm @ 72 dpi

Download Size (MB): 121.89MB

Fonts, not included: DCC Sharp Distress Black

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Apartment Architecture Brick Clothesline Clothing Day Dry Drying Europe Hanging Home House Laundry Line Rope Row Traditional Typical Underwear Urban Wall White Window 100741

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