Soccer Game At the Stadium / 100418
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This image is available as a template and when used with XMPie uImage software, can create an unlimited number of personalized images.
Personalization details: Name appears on the soccer field in the center circle and along the side line closest to the bottom of the image
Adobe: Adobe CC 2014
XMPie: uDirect 7.2.1 and up, PE 7.2.1 and up
Template File: Photoshop
High-Res: 3008 x 1815 pixels, 10" x 6.1", 25.5cm x 15.4cm @ 300 dpi
Low-Res: 800 x 483 pixels, 11.1" x 6.7", 28.2cm x 17cm @ 72 dpi
Download Size (MB): 66.88MB
Fonts, not included: Pop Warner, Sui Generis
Action Agoraphobia American Athlete Athletic Ball Baseball Bleachers Brazil Cheer Cloud Coach College Commercial Competition Conflict Crowd Cup Day De Diamond Enthusiasm Enthusiastic Event Famous Fan Fans Field Flag Football Futbol Gambling Game German Germany Goal Goalie Grass Horse Janeiro Journalist Manager Maracana Nobody Packed People Photographer Place Play Playing Recreation Red Reflector Rio Rudeness Rugby Scarlet Scoreboard Scoring Sign Soccer Spectator Spirit Sport Sporting Sports Stadium Team Television Text Tourism Touristic Travel Uniform Violence Visit Watching World 100418
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