Red Vintage Suitcase With Backdrop Of City Skyline / 100532
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This image is available as a template and when used with XMPie uImage software, can create an unlimited number of personalized images.
Personalization details: Name on the suitcase
Adobe: Adobe CC 2014
XMPie: uDirect 7.2.1 and up, PE 7.2.1 and up
Template File: Photoshop
High-Res: 4883 x 3971 pixels, 16.3" x 13.2", 41.3cm x 33.6cm @ 300 dpi
Low-Res: 800 x 651 pixels, 11.1" x 9", 28.2cm x 23cm @ 72 dpi
Download Size (MB): 106.31MB
Fonts, not included: Conquistadorman NF
Airplane Arrive Bag Baggage Business Case Cloudy Commerce Departure Destination Enterprise Estate Fly Gray Grey Journey Leave Lone Lonely Lose Losing Luggage Modern Plane Sky Skyline Skyscraper Tourism Touristic Touristy Town Travel Traveling Trip Vintage 100532
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