Walk On By / 100811
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This image is available as a template and when used with XMPie uImage software, can create an unlimited number of personalized images.
Personalization details: The recipient's name is engraved in the pavement.
Adobe: Adobe CC 2018
XMPie: uDirect 9.6 and up, PE 9.6 and up
Template File: Photoshop
High-Res: 3981 x 1660 pixels 13.27” x 5.533” 33.71 cm x 14.05 cm
@ 300 dpi
Low-Res: 1000 x 417 pixels 13.889” x 5.792” 35.28 cm x 14.71 cm @ 72 dpi
Download Size (MB): 310 MB
Fonts, not included: The Bold Font
walk walking sidewalk pavement business shoe shoes foot feet day work boss busy working dressy formal workwear black grey stone engraved engraving 100811
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