Wine Bottle and Grape Leaves / 100538


Wine Bottle and Grape Leaves / 100538

  • $249.00

This image is available as a template and when used with XMPie uImage software, can create an unlimited number of personalized images.

Personalization details: First name only, last name only, or both first and last name, depending on the length of the names

Adobe: Adobe CC 2014
XMPie: uDirect 7.2.1 and up, PE 7.2.1 and up

Template File: Photoshop

High-Res: 4724 x 2603 pixels, 15.7" x 8.7", 40cm x 22cm @ 300 dpi
Low-Res: 800 x 441 pixels, 11.1" x 6.1", 28.2cm x 15.6cm @ 72 dpi

Download Size (MB): 114.27MB

Font type: Image Font

View Datasheet

Agriculture Alcohol Alcoholic Business Beverage Bottle Bottles Branch Brand Capsule Cork Country Countryside Crop Drink Farm Farming Fermentation Food Fruit Garden Grape Grapevine Green Grow Growing Growth Harvest Horticulture Isolated Juice Label Land Leaf Liquid Nature Season Sparkling Spiral Spring Summer Sunlight Twine Twined Twist Valley Vine Vineyard Vintage Wine Winemaker Winery Yield 100538

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